It’s important we recognise what’s in the surroundings, drawing suitable strategies to deal with the presence of darkness and the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. Neither darkness nor negative conditioning can take away the strong source of love we can generate from the inside out. No matter how persistent the negativity can be, our intrinsic love nature is still resilient and stronger than any other negative source. Our beautiful light is like a phoenix that can be reborn from the ashes; a dragon, whose evolutionary path is tightly related to the understanding of our own suffering as a way of personal evolution.

It’s important we develop the capability of listening to our own body, recognising the details of its operation to boost our live vessel in a way of functioning at its best performance. Recognising the presence of darkness in the surroundings is essential to draw suitable strategies to exercise our body in a way we take advantage of the behaviour we’re experiencing. It’s always easy to exercise our body when the environment is chaotic and disturbing, as well as studying when there’s silence in the room. The difference is that exercising our body is something we can start out of sudden with simple stretching activities, while studying requires context-switching our mind to the task of acquiring knowledge from the subject at study. Simple maths with no regrets.

In order to deal with the presence of darkness we need to be ready for anything, anytime, no matter the circumstances. Therefore, we need to exercise often, preparing the self to deal with obnoxious situations, which means deciding the strategy of how to do it on our own, even if we’ve help from someone else. It’s our body, our privacy, and therefore, our rules applied. We decide and we apply. We’ve to follow no one rules. We’re the rulers of our own body and mind, and we decide the moment we would like to exercise body and mind, which may imply waiting for the right moment followed by the trigger of a specific event to do so. Or, we can also schedule to do it regularly, at the same period of day as a routine. As I’ve said, it’s our decision to make.

The moment we realise we’re the ruler of our own mind, it’s the moment we understand why our beautiful light can be considered a phoenix that can be reborn from the ashes, and a dragon, whose evolutionary path is tightly related to the understanding of our own suffering.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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