It’s rather easy to face darkness during our life journey. We just need to keep consciousness at hand to do that, understanding the duty of dealing with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. We need to develop the clarity of mind required to be not overwhelmed at all with the amount of negativity we need to deal with, becoming both alert and fearless regarding the external outcome observed. The moment we start getting intimidated by darkness no more, no matter the circumstances, it’s the moment we get ready to step into the next level of our personal evolution, which is required to attain even higher levels of peace of mind while walking the path towards a meaningful life.

When we start—with no effort—recognising the presence of darkness in the surroundings, we start understanding that part of the reason of its presence is to make the self fear the system, i.e., fearing who is supposedly in “control” of the society we’re part of. No matter how many times someone tells us that priceless piece of knowledge, we can only understand it properly the moment we keep consciousness at hand. “Fearing the system” implies accepting to be conditioned by it, which means becoming a puppet in the hands of someone else, embracing darkness and all illusions we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s by that reason such type of “intimidation of the system” must be performed by a majority targeting a minority, like a war environment where a given army attempts to cut all the supplies and resources received by a targeted reign in order to force its submission to the regime imposed. It’s more or less what is happening right now in the war between Russia and Ukraine. Russia’s army is larger than Ukraine’s. As a consequence, if Ukraine wasn’t receiving aid from the United Nations, it would be extremely difficult to face Russia and the negative consequences of a blockage of resources.

Even if we’re receiving aid from someone else, we need to keep clear in our mind the difference between right or wrong. We could just ignore all the rules established in the society we’re part of and start creating our own, facing darkness with the same careless behaviour observed. It has been proved through millennia it doesn’t work. It only creates, brings, and escalates suffering to unimaginable levels, although we may have the false sensation of peace by establishing a cruel posture willing to eliminate anyone or anything trespassing the borders of our private space. If we go down that path, we would be imprisoned into the asura realm, which is characterised by the awful requirement of indefinite moments of fight and suffering combined against darkness, i.e., an infinite war.

We just need to wake up to diminish the influence and power of darkness within our own perspective and relativity. When the majority start keeping consciousness at hand to do that, the world would’ve a chance to move towards a global peaceful state to live in.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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