Knowing the self is far more important than paying attention to any type of criticism generated on the outside. The external criticism bounces the perspective of another, which may be filled with negativity derived from their own periods of suffering, implying hate speech, racism, or any other type of discrimination we may be subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. We need to prepare the self to face external criticism in a conscious and meaningful way but we cannot let such criticism define the self, no matter the circumstances. What defines the self is the deep knowledge and understanding we have about our own consciousness, and how we can use them to step into our personal evolution. The more we attain clarity of mind to understand that, the easier we can live, love, and free ourselves from any type of criticism generated on the outside, whether it is a good one. The moment we are free, it’s the moment we become the ruler of our own mind.

 We’re social creatures, and therefore we’re meant to live in groups rather than isolated from one another. However, as we’re also conscious beings, we cannot let the self be conditioned to a given group’s behaviour, where we start doing things in a certain way not because we’ve achieved understanding but just because we’ve been conditioned to do it without knowing why. Knowing the why of things is essential to keep consciousness at hand, preventing the self from being conditioned by any external behaviour exhibited in the society we’re inserted into.

We need to realise and understand that conscious attitude is knowing exactly what we are doing, and if we find a group exhibiting a similar conscious behaviour, it’s because all members of that group are able to answer why they do what they’re doing. Scientific research is a vivid example of that type of conscious group. We cannot do things in a certain way just because a renowned researcher, whom whether works in our field, does it. We’ve to do things in a certain way because we know why we’re doing it, and if it exhibits a similar behaviour than a renowned researcher, it indicates we both have achieved the understanding of a given process we’re working on.

Let’s be conscious beings in the middle of the society we’re part of. Unfortunately, with the dominance of darkness and hatred culture, conscious beings are becoming rare, and therefore, they’ve been targeted as “different” from the conditioned masses. That’s why we need to be prepared to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. What we face may imply dealing with conditioned behaviours already in the roots of the society we’re part of, and such behaviours may include racism and discrimination of numerous types as a conditioned norm followed by unconscious minds. Those minds who cannot answer why they do what they’re doing in the present moment in a conscious and meaningful way, are minds restrained by the illusions we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into.

The moment we realise the unlimited power we’ve while keeping consciousness at hand, it’s the moment we understand how to attain higher levels of peace of mind while walking the path towards a meaningful life, no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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