Observing what happens in the present moment is fundamental to realise and understand the big picture of the path we’re walking through. Everything needs to make sense, and nothing happens as a coincidence. There’s always a suitable explanation of the very nature regarding the phenomena we’re observing. There’s no belief but understanding. There’s no magical power but the capability of manifesting the strong and pure energy we’re capable of cultivating deep within. We’re equals no matter either the physical differences we present or the level of understanding we’ve about life itself. The more we realise that, the better we understand the true intentions and nature of light and darkness as well.

 Observation…the foundation of leading the self to realise the importance of keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. We need to observe the self, and the environment we’re inserted into, to understand what happens in the present moment. We need to remove the blind belief from the self, replacing it by the motivation of acquiring a deep understanding of the scene we’re part of, and the phenomena happening before the self. Observing is the way towards the stage of keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances.

Let’s observe and make reason to increase and strengthen the understanding we acquire about life every single day of our own existence.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t4CmASl_ron42UjsrxwBLPbp5pDKiW2-/view?usp=drivesdk

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