There’s nothing we can do to liberate another from their period of suffering. It’s indeed a powerless situation we’ve to accept while working on enhancing and boosting the self, keeping consciousness at hand to attain higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances. Unfortunately, we cannot turn a dishonoured person into an honoured one. They should do it on their own, learning from the past and become honoured in the present moment. If we observe dishonour before the self, the best we can do is use such an experience to extract the priceless piece of knowledge that says: I accept dishonour no more yet I hope a dishonoured person could step out of their own suffering, eventually. It’s only through honour and respect regarding our love nature and the rights of another that we can step into our personal evolution, understanding that nothing is more precious than life itself.

Life is the priceless gift we’ve received. It’s through experiencing life that we can shape our present, enhancing the self every single day towards the path of a meaningful life, where facing darkness and dealing with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to become a burden no more.

It’s time to flourish the astonishing seed of love we’ve deep within, enabling our beautiful light to grow strong while understanding there’s good and bad days, which we can extract priceless pieces of knowledge from. It’s by incorporating such a mindset that we can visualise the path of our personal evolution, which requires performing our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way.

We need to be aware, awaken, conscious, and prepared to face darkness any time, anywhere, and at any circumstances. Being prepared means keeping consciousness at hand, hardening our body and mind to establish a strong yet resilient posture before any source of negativity we’ve contact with.

The more powerful we become, the stronger our consciousness is, and therefore, the higher the level of peace of mind we can attain while dealing with the unknown and keeping the self aligned with our love nature.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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