We need awareness and clarity of mind more than ever. It’s essential we pay attention to the details of what happens in the present moment. It’s important not from the perspective of establishing some type of control but from the perspective of using the priceless pieces of knowledge to be better prepared to face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. The more aware we’re in the duty of living our life in a conscious and meaningful way, the better we understand the challenges and difficulties we’re experiencing, which are apart from our own suffering, and therefore, we’ve no control of.

Let’s establish a crystal clear understanding of how to walk the path towards a meaningful life, being aware, awaken, and keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. It’s essential that we perform our body and mind training to boost the natural energy of love we’ve deep within, strengthening and hardening the self in order to attain higher levels of peace of mind, which is the foundation to experience the unlimited magnitude of the dormant power we already possess.

Let’s perform our training with a suitable strategy that fits our current schedule, being conscious of not making any type of sacrifice that deteriorates our health instead of hardening it in a long run. Both body and mind have to enhance, augmenting their capability instead of reducing it with the passage of time. The more we realise it, the better we understand the limitations imposed by the physical nature of our life are not barriers but priceless pieces of knowledge we can use to be better, faster, stronger, and more resilient while ageing.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GskSHk-7yuEPegCVV5sSDBeQ9KUtFt2W/view?usp=drivesdk

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