We need to become confident in everything we do, exercising our capability of acquiring knowledge and producing wisdom through the simple gesture of living. We need to be aware and awaken of what happens in the present moment, developing the ability to segregate the illusions we’ve contact with from the reality we’re experiencing in the present moment. The key point of steping into our personal evolution is observing the bad, embracing the good, and preventing to be contaminated with the ugly at the same time we absorb the positive energy from the universe itself. Every situation has a good side, and it’s in such a path that we need to keep walking no matter the circumstances.

We’ve the capability of making reason of anything we experience, which becomes an essential asset at hand regarding the duty of understanding our own suffering. We need to find the true reason behind our own suffering, working on to diminish the negative consequences of experiencing it. 

For example, I know that big sources related to periods of suffering I may experience are discrimination, racism, and any type of situation diminishing a human being to be treated as a disposable thing. I’ve walked a solo journey of understanding to realise discrimination can trigger negative emotions within, attaining the clarity of mind to establish a body and mind training focused on diminishing any negative emotion triggered by the experience of a discriminatory act against myself or someone else on my watch. I’m still far from getting to the highest level of peace of mind possible, yet I’m activelly working on my solo journey to attain such level, manifesting the unlimited power I’ve deep within.

We all have such the capability of keeping consciousness at hand in order to identify the true sources of our own periods of suffering, establishing clear strategies to diminish the negativity associated with the experience of those periods. The more we realise that, the better we understand the meaningful path we need to walk, attaining higher levels of peace of mind to achieve the highest degree of our personal evolution.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U3lxh0pT5qjeac_Z-VPAb1wQSRrpCD1d/view?usp=drivesdk

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