We need to find a way to face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s important to keep clear in mind that facing darkness requires contact with the dirty work of deception, which means developing no fear to face discrimination, injustice, or anything aside from our love nature that’s threatening our capability of acquiring resources and performing activities required to our own survivability. We would face a lot of distortions, a huge amount of discrimination, fake environments, and a considerable number of unconscious minds experiencing deep periods of suffering. Unfortunately, we can’t save anyone that’s not with consciousness at hand, walking towards hell while experiencing suffering without being conscious of it. The moment we realise that, it’s the moment we understand only conscious beings are capable of walking through hell without burning to the death while understanding their own periods of suffering. It’s only by attaining such understanding that we can boost our love nature, attaining higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances.

Being conscious of what hell represents in either the present moment or the environment we’re inserted into is extremely important to put things into perspective. Hell is an abstraction representing the worst of humanity, and therefore, it also represents the roots of hatred culture and darkness itself. Everyone who walks through hell with no consciousness about that gets severely burned with no way to recover from the damages, and most of the time, will end up dead during the process. Going to hell and returning from it is a privilege for few, and those are the ones developing higher levels of consciousness and peace of mind to understand the illusions they’ve contact with in the present moment.

When someone says “Go to hell” to us, we need to observe, analyse, and understand that sentence as a way of improvement. If we keep consciousness at hand we can understand we’re able to do better, developing more compassion and kindness while dealing with obnoxious situations. We may schedule a travel to the realm of hell to see what life looks like without being conscious of what happens in the present moment, observing slavery, lack of rights, the amount of punishment infringed towards people without any rights to complain, and the clear understanding that one can only survive in an environment like that if becoming the strongest being ever without getting detached from their own humanity. Thus, when we travel to hell in a conscious and meaningful way we’re able to understand honour is a fundamental asset at hand while we spend time understanding our own suffering. If we start behaving with dishonour, we’re just deteriorating ourselves with the certainty that no one would be able to save us when our time comes.

Another fundamental understanding is that while in hell, we’re able to learn what we need to be detached from, which helps putting into perspective the importance of not kneeling before darkness, strengthening and hardening the self to boost the beautiful light we’ve deep within, even if surrounded by dishonoured beings and in the middle of a deceptive environment. At the end, we get rewarded for keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. Let’s reflect on that.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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