We need to learn how to recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings, observing the distinguished traces they left off while performing any action aside from our love nature. It’s an easy track to follow, and I assure you, we need little or no effort to learn how to perform such a recognition while keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. The main challenge of learning such a technique, which is actually just augmenting our awareness of what surrounds us, is realising we’re powerless against any type of deception and violation of fundamental human rights with the power of bending the current common laws. Such an understanding implies the clear recognition of the inversion of values society has been subjected to since ancient times, where the value of knowledge has been diminished and replaced by the value of money, an illusion created by humankind. Therefore, if we would like to see a society where knowledge gets back on having its fundamental importance on the progress of humanity, we need first to put knowledge as a priority in replacement of money. When we do that, we’re actually making a big chance towards the self and others.

 There’s no fundamental change in the way we experience life if we’re not conscious enough to observe, analyse, and understand what we’re experiencing in the present moment. It’s crystal clear the influence of darkness and the contamination of hatred culture are putting acquisition of knowledge as an optional duty we need to perform, a negative doctrine we’re subjected to that is elevating the acquisition of money, an illusion created by humankind, to the highest priority, no matter the consequences. 

The idolatry of money has cruel implications to the society we’re part of when the ones in possession of such an illusion are the ones experiencing deep periods of suffering, considering anyone else with less resources as slaves, people who need to serve them and being grateful to have the opportunity to do so. It sounds insane yet it’s the current status we observe in different parts of the globe, an hierarchical structure of command where discipline, honour, respect, and a conscious sense regarding the duty of caring about life as the ultimate goal—typically observed in the trustworthy armies of ancient times, which includes the loyal knights of the round table created by king Arthur—have been replaced by dishonour, deception, manipulation, and the greater good of keeping who has more money in command, no matter the consequences.

There’s only one salvation: stepping out of our own suffering and giving the acquisition of knowledge the importance it deserves within our own perspective and relativity. The moment we start doing that, it’s the moment we understand the acquisition of material values is optional, being a consequence of the knowledge we’re acquiring. And if the environment we’re inserted into is still putting more value on the illusion of money instead of knowledge, we clearly observe dishonour, deception, disrespect, and disregard with the ones who possess any type of knowledge if not in tight companion with the illusion of money itself.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wA6bhkFtLw4_65W0xEBsryTJ6Mlw2Tab/view?usp=drivesdk

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