While attaining higher levels of peace of mind, enrolling in the practice of silence, we need to realise and understand the illusions we’ve contact with. It’s only by understanding such illusions that we can start visualising possibilities regarding the break of an illusory perspective related to the environment we’re inserted into. We need to attain a peaceful state of mind, no matter the circumstances. It’s only through a peaceful state of mind that we can perform any type of activity in a conscious and meaningful way, caring about life as the ultimate goal according to the situation before the self, addressing tough decisions with any type of emotion aside from the argument. The moment we attain such a higher level of consciousness and clarity of mind, it’s the moment we understand the society we’re living in is a mixture of illusions we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into.

Peace is what we need to seek in the deepest level of our own mind. We need to attain a peaceful state of mind capable of getting disturbed no more by the presence of darkness, and the negative conditioning we’re subjected to. It’s essential we don’t hesitate to make tough decisions, mainly if it results in breaking the illusory wheel of fabricated scenes we’re experiencing in the present moment. It’s only by eliminating the fear of accepting any type of illusion before the self no more that we get prepared for our personal evolution.

There’s no fear but certainty. There’s no doubt but clarity of mind. There’s no hesitation but conscious decisions. There’s no deception but honour. There’s no submission but stillness. There’s no darkness but light. We fear no one, and we protect all life prosecuted by darkness if they seek protection. 

Let’s walk the path towards a meaningful life, stepping into our personal evolution to become stronger and more resilient against any deceptive environment we may be inserted into.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OpH4D4YHApg2sVj1Sjrfji5kZhQdIoyj/view?usp=drivesdk

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