While facing darkness and dealing with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into, we’re automatically benefiting others in the duty of waking up, being aware of what happens in the present moment, and keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. We cannot expect another to attain the same clarity of mind and awareness we’ve already attained yet we can continue walking the path towards a meaningful life, dealing with obnoxious behaviours and the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. The higher the level of peace of mind we’ve attained, the easier it’s to observe, analyse, and understand our own suffering, and anything surrounding the self in the present moment.

By the simple fact of keeping consciousness at hand, we’re benefiting others, no matter the circumstances. It’s a duty with no dependency on the outside, generated deep within and both supported and motivated by the self alone. The beauty of keeping consciousness at hand is to start observing the presence of darkness mixed with the illusions we’ve contact with. In order to not get overwhelmed by the huge amount of information received by our natural senses, we need to see the life we’re experiencing as a scene played in a theatre, where we play the main role at the same time it’s clear in our mind what’s an illusion and what isn’t. Therefore, we acquire the capability of choosing between playing the scene, or being a spectator of what happens in the present moment. I assure you it gets funny after we get used to the huge amount of negativity we’ve contact with.

It gets funny mainly because we’re capable of observing things clearly, while being subjected to a type of negative conditioning trying to convince our unconscious mind to shut down its conscious counterpart, establishing a way of life based on beliefs with no understanding, instead of acquiring the understanding concerning some beliefs we’re exposed to. We learn to ask why without actually asking, which makes the task of recognising the illusions we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into much easier.

If you’re still confused by the amount of information you’ve contact with in the environment you’re inserted into, I advise you start listening to your consciousness alone, reasoning anything happening in the present moment, both within and in the surroundings. I’m sure after a while you’ll be able to use your third eye to see what cannot be seen when we let our unconscious mind gets on the driver’s seat.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rfBkl-rCN7P02CS1ZwDGl9Okh3TlGews/view?usp=drivesdk

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