Each one of us has to find a way of cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, creating a small sun that keeps the self warm in any situation we’re part of. There’s no secret but the understanding we’re already enough and complete besides the fact that we can experience different ways of self-evolution and things while in companion of another, and part of a given meaningful community. We just need to establish a kind, compassionate, and non-judgemental attitude to keep an open mind that enables the self to see everything through the lens of our third eye.

Experiencing the results of attaining the understanding of our own suffering, which is a lifetime duty and learning path, enables the self to deal better with the obnoxious behaviours we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted to. Facing darkness becomes easier, and therefore, less disturbing. As a consequence, we step into our personal evolution, enabling the self to be more resilient against the negative outcome generated by the dominance of hatred culture. We start distancing the self from the negative conditioning that says we need to embrace darkness and suffering itself as a way of life.

The trustworthy source of life and happiness is deep within. It’s through attaining such an understanding that we can enhance the self to keep walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/149DPhCSJe6uKvgdCHojMq4vrC1LO9lQT/view?usp=drivesdk

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