It’s essential that we realise how astonishing the power of our mind is, enrolling into the path of understanding its nature and magnitude properly. There’s no secret a conscious mind cannot acquire knowledge about, and there’s nothing that can stop a motivated mind to seek the truth and face darkness all along no matter the circumstances. The intimidation of darkness works as the establishment of a motivation pillar to diminish its influence and power, beginning deep within, freeing the self from the influence and dictatorship of anything related to the promotion of hatred culture. The more we realise our duty of being aligned with our love nature, the better we understand why facing darkness is a duty we need to be aware, awaken, and conscious to perform.
The first step of facing darkness in a conscious and meaningful way is realising and understanding why it is important for our self-evolution. When we look to the society we’re part of, seeing people profiting from the suffering of others, committing atrocities as a way of life, and mutilating other sentient beings for entertainment or a believe that it’s “a God’s will”, there’s no other path to pursue than to face those who’re experiencing suffering and feeding the infinite loop of chaos and hatred through generations. There’s no other path than stopping those who work in the shadows, bending the laws, harming children, women, men, elders, and anyone who is considered either disposable or a threat to the chaotic environment established.
There’s no other path than stepping into our personal evolution, becoming stronger and resilient to anything related to darkness and hatred culture itself. It’s impossible to see children and people who’re not able to defend themselves getting hurt by someone who has been brainwashed and believe that warming another is part of a God’s plan for evolution of the species. It’s just wrong, and it’ll always be wrong no matter how many years pass. However, starting violent actions don’t help much. On the contrary, it falls right in the intended behaviour associated with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. We need to be wiser than that.
The only way to deal with this type of brainwashed believers is stepping into our personal evolution, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, implying the manifestation of our unlimited power from the inside out. The hope is that those believers can free themselves from their own suffering. Therefore, we need to become as strong as a rock, and as resilient as a malleable string, learning how much as we can to deal with any type of obnoxious behaviour consciously, meaningfully, and accordingly. The more we realise our duty, the better we understand how astonishing we already are.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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