It’s only when we start keeping consciousness at hand that we can use it in our favour, enabling the self to evaluate our personal evolution in a meaningful way. It’s extremely important we choose the right path, i.e., the path aligned with our love nature and away from the influence of darkness. The presence of darkness takes numerous forms. As a consequence, we need to perform our body and mind training, sharpening our third eye to recognise all pattern variations we’ve contact with, diminishing the negative influence on the self based on practice, experience, and wisdom we acquire through time. Let’s also be soft with the self. The more we improve in the recognition of the presence of darkness, the better results we can achieve while attaining higher levels of peace of mind during our life journey.
Let’s start the practice of keeping consciousness at hand and the self in the present moment. Let’s develop the capability of being aware of and becoming not afraid of the presence of darkness in the surroundings. We need to face such a presence as an opportunity to boost and sharpen our training, getting ready for the magnitude of negativity, and the dominance of hatred culture we may need to deal with in the environment we’re inserted into.
The big challenge we face in an environment where the presence of darkness is vivid and strong is preventing our unconscious mind to be ruled by the negative conditioning we’re subjected to. Let’s not worrying too much. We improve through time. The important is keeping consciousness at hand as much as we can, and accounting the moments our unconscious mind get on the driver’s seat. The more we are aware of those moments, the better we can use our consciousness to keep ruling the self in the present moment.
It’s a matter of training, time, and motivation. Yes, we can walk the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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