There’s no need to fear darkness, although we need to be concerned of the influence of darkness in the surroundings. If darkness is influential and strong in the environment we’re inserted into, it means people we’ve contact with are either followers of darkness, or unconscious minds experiencing periods of suffering without realising hatred culture is deep in the roots of society. It becomes crystal clear that darkness dictates the behaviours people can or cannot exhibit, depending mainly on how much money a person possesses, no matter if such a behaviour is whether aligned with our love nature. Such a trace of chaos reminds us of ancient periods of slavery, which are now distorted through rules attempting to impose what a person can or cannot do depending on their social status. Keeping consciousness at hand enables us to realise and understand the challenges and difficulties we face, which are established according to the illusory power of money.
It’s extremely important we keep consciousness at hand to realise and understand the challenges and difficulties we’ve to face and deal with in the environment we’re inserted into. The big concern we’ve right now is using our third eye to see the truth before the self, segregating the illusions we’ve contact with from the reality we experience within our own perspective and relativity. It’s extremely important to realise and understand the difference between what we see established by common laws, and what we get within our daily activities in the surroundings. We need to liberate the self from any period of suffering we may be experiencing to realise and understand that, the majority of the time, nothing in the surroundings is what it seems to be.
We’re powerless to prevent a follower of darkness, which is a mind in a deep period of suffering, to see us as a slave, no matter if the common laws established in the environment we’re inserted into say slavery is forbidden. The chaos we may be experiencing could be orchestrated to cause unconscious minds to suffer, and the only way to face and deal with that is keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances.
Those followers of darkness may be searching for a sacrifice to make, conditioning themselves they’re doing it for the greater good. It’s by keeping consciousness at hand that we can ensure the only sacrifice they would get is giving their own life to darkness, experiencing a deep period of suffering, and being careless about the gift of life. Let’s remember and put clear in our mind that suicide isn’t a way out. Let’s not throw our life away, diminishing the negativity deep within, and giving no sacrifice to darkness itself.
We’ve an unlimited power deep within, and there’s always a way of living a meaningful life with no need to embrace neither darkness nor the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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