Being kind, compassionate, and non-judgemental in an environment dominated by hatred culture is tough, and it isn’t easy. It became a revolutionary act, which can be compared to facing Nazi regime within Nazi Germany, considering the differences between legislation during the period of World War II and in the present moment (year 2024). Keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances is an exercise of patience. We enhance the self, step by step, if we get motivated to put aside any negativity we’ve contact with, and be aligned with our love nature. Waking up for observing, analysing, and understanding what happens in the present moment is liberating the self from a period of suffering, which enables stepping into our personal evolution. Therefore, we head towards the path of a meaningful life where the full alignment with our love nature, and the universe itself, makes the self an integral part of something extraordinary, becoming indistinguishable from the whole.

When talking about the self we’re implicitly assuming there’s something aside from our love nature that needs to be faced and dealt with. The dominance of hatred culture, darkness, and any negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into are examples of things not aligned with our love nature. If we look carefully through history we clearly see the loop of suffering repeating itself, again and again, establishing a ciclic bondage between periods of huge horror and atrocities and periods of inertia associated with lack of energy, which has been empty out to face darkness and deal with all negativity associated. That loop of suffering is just adapting itself to the restrictions imposed by changes performed in common laws.

Let’s imagine if every single human being on this planet started cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, keeping consciousness at hand and walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. In such a hypothetical scenario, we would achieve a singular global community, ending any type of conflict and war, eliminating any barriers between different territories, and sharing knowledge to boost the progress and evolution of humanity as a whole, eventually. What we’ve named “self” becomes nothing more than a tiny particle of something vibrating on the same frequency, meaning there’s no more self.

Unfortunately, distorting the idea of a global united community implies tyranny, implying dominance and control of people by conditioning everyone to behave as what gets imposed by some type of regime. When looking from an external perspective, and observing a conscious evolution side-by-side with a conditioned regression, they may look the same to a naked and untrained eye. However, they’re completely different from the inside out, while observing it deep within.

The illusion of uniting people by tyranny and imposition of a belief may look similar to enabling everyone to be conscious and aware of what happens in the present moment. Let’s just remember understanding is supported by knowledge acquisition, and knowledge acquisition requires observation and analysis. If there’re restrictions to access some types of knowledge, and we’re forced to follow a given belief instead of having the opportunity to observe, analyse, and understand things on our own, we’re just before a big illusion of freedom, which is actually slavery dressed into something that may be fancy and pleasant at first but that can become harsh and difficult if we get not aligned with something being imposed.

The moment we realise any change we would like to see in the surroundings begin deep within, it’s the moment we understand that cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within is a personal duty.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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