Facing darkness and any type of slavery and Neo-Nazi pro-movements requires bravery, courage, and keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. We need to be aware of the old and ancient values and behaviours of those awful movements to understand how they’ve adapted themselves to keep being practised on these days, brainwashing people, and representing sources of negativity we need to deal with in the environment we’re inserted into. The most important thing we need to keep clear in our mind is embracing no darkness. We’re still dealing with sentient beings, who’re experiencing deep periods of suffering when practising any discriminatory act against someone else, which may include ourselves. The better we realise that, the easier it’s to understand why cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, being totally aligned with our love nature, is the way for supporting a meaningful life journey.

Slavery and Neo-Nazi pro-movements aren’t things we end up out of the sudden. They’re ideologies, beliefs people carry on like religions. Those beliefs imply a need of being considered a superior race, seeing someone else as an inferior whose life cannot be better (in any circumstance) than theirs. It becomes an obsession, and as an obsession, it creates a habit of placing difficulties on those considered inferior, i.e., a conditioned way of life for harming others.

When in contact with a huge amount of negativity that dictates the way of life in the surroundings, where the magnitude becomes extremely high, keeping consciousness at hand is considered a mental disease. Establishing no alignment with the profit of suffering is considered an unacceptable behaviour that needs to be eradicated. Insisting in facing darkness and dealing with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into represents an act of treason, which violates the values and behaviours promoted as acceptable by who entitled themselves as rulers, i.e., the ones who dictate what people can and cannot do. Anyone being opposed to the regime, who manifest themselves in a polite way, following the current laws, is considered either a sick person or a liar. We can have different opinions and understandings of what has been promoted, as long as we manifest ourselves in ways that keep the hatred culture as the foundation of our actions if, and only if, we’re a slavery or Neo-Nazi supporter already, no matter we’re whether considered a sort of slave. That’s why the only way of facing and dealing with slavery and Neo-Nazi pro-movements is stepping into our personal evolution.

We need to be soft on ourselves and others, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, which implies being kind and compassionate. It’s only through love that we can face and deal with hatred in a conscious and meaningful way, no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bX4qXpu_CZi8-H77kgdcMajN7FQeaZM1/view?usp=drivesdk

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