It’s essential that we start recognising and understanding whether we’re in an environment subjected to the old and ancient values of slavery, where the family and the amount of money within our bank account dictate how other people interact with us. Is there a feeling that atrocities are committed behind the scenes, similar to the ones in both slavery practices and World War II but either applying or bending the laws to prevent a clear correlation to those awful periods? Being conscious about the type of environment we’re inserted into is the first step to understand the type of challenges and difficulties we’re subjected to during our life journey, and how strong we need to become in order to walk the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

The traces of an environment dominated by hatred culture, where the presence of darkness is vivid in the surroundings, are crystal clear. The negative conditioning of deception is the most evident characteristic we observe in those environments. We may call such a negative conditioning the “game” of hot and cold. By hot we mean behaviours against our love nature with the clear goal of harming another behind the scenes, taking extreme care of letting no evidence of doing so. By cold we mean playing dead in the face of any possibility of both identifying and revealing such hot periods of the real-life “game” being played. The aforementioned “game” cannot be managed by a single person. There’s an established hierarchical organisation propagating the decisions of the “game”, implying manipulations from the top to the bottom, i.e., through the daily activities. Social experiments performed with the clear informed consent of all participants are examples capable of mimicking the real-life “game” of hot and cold.

Slavery, Nazism, Facism, or any other regime depending on the total control and manipulation of the masses are based on the establishment of some sort of real-life “game” of hot and cold. During slavery such a game were played by pro-slavery land owners and their servants managing the field work performed by slaves. Both Nazism and Facism had a “special” police force for doing so, targeting the ones considered inferior, e.g., Jewish people. Huge periods of psychological torture are applied until any type of attrocity can be perfomed, being either justified or masked by the current laws. As a consequence, the clear long-term goal of that real-life “game” is killing people in a way that such “game” is brain-washed as “normal” and “essential” behaviours in the mind of the masses.

It’s easy to realise and understand why we need to acquire as much knowledge as we can, keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. It’s easy to realise and understand why we need to perform our body and mind training, stepping into our personal evolution. It’s easy to realise and understand why facing darkness and dealing with negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into is a lifetime duty.

We just need to wake-up, understanding how important it’s cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, strengthening the alignment with our love nature and the intrinsic bond with the universe itself.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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