It’s extremely important that we take time to perform our body and mind training, identifying our strengths and weaknesses to better specify a suitable strategy for supporting the path towards our personal evolution. It’s also important to realise and understand the negative conditioning we’re subjected to is related to slavery, implying the existence of discriminatory acts against ones and favouring towards others by the simple fact of being either a member or follower of a given organised/religious group. Breaking the influence of old values of slavery dressed into fabricated illusions we’ve contact with is incorporating the understanding that we’re equals, and therefore, we’re the same no matter personal characteristics, beliefs, or (religious) groups we may be associated with. It’s only when we remove such negative conditioning from the self that we can step out of our own suffering in a conscious and meaningful way.

Let’s step into our personal evolution, keeping consciousness at hand and performing our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way. There’s no need to keep promoting the old values of slavery, limiting the access of knowledge and restraining the share of our experiences and wisdom to a few. The knowledge we possess has a huge potential to transform—and make better—the lives of many. However, while a few still insist on using knowledge to harm others and keep the old values of slavery vivid, we’ve the personal duty of vanishing such awful behaviour from our own perspective and relativity.

It’s by sharing knowledge that we’re able to acquire more knowledge in a conscious and meaningful way. Although there are people using knowledge to harm others, we’ve the personal duty of dealing with such awful behaviour, standing strong and tall before it, becoming resilient to the presence of darkness and anything related to the old values of slavery no matter the circumstances.

It’s only when we understand we’re all equals that we can get fully prepared to walk the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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