It’s extremely important understanding why we need to step into our personal evolution, enhancing the self until we get totally aligned with our love nature and the universe itself. Such a fully alignment enables us to move as a whole unit combined with everything that make us alive, removing the need of the self, i.e., we become part of something bigger that is walking towards the same direction, consciously and meaningfully. We can imagine it as a group of people who have attained the same understanding of suffering, and therefore, any conscious decision regarding how to deal with negativity would be the same. Unfortunately, darkness uses a distortion of such a concept, which instead of promoting the use of consciousness, enforces the conditioning of the unconscious mind, implying individuals presenting the same behaviour by the simple fact they’ve been conditioned to do so rather than attained the same understanding to perform a similar decision. This minor yet fundamental difference between darkness and light represents the orthogonal relation that makes darkness growing on top of suffering, while light gets more vivid and bright by the understanding of it.

Darkness is indeed totally dependent on suffering. There’s no darkness without, at least, one individual experiencing a period of suffering in the present moment. The existence of darkness implies the observation of a conditioned behaviour related to the hatred culture and its promoted negativity. Diminishing its influence and power requires keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances.

The moment we realise the presence of darkness in the surroundings, understanding the need to step out of any period of suffering we may be experiencing, it’s the moment we perform the first step to start cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within in a conscious and meaningful way. 

The difference between darkness and light becomes more clear and vivid when keeping consciousness at hand. As a consequence, we can use our third eye to see they head towards orthogonal directions from their common starting point. In darkness we need negativity as a foundation of anything happening in the present moment. The presence of no negativity implies the vanishing of darkness, enabling the self to stop the established chaos within the roots of its existence. In light, otherwise, love is the clear foundation of everything we do in the present moment. It implies dropping any belief that needs to be replaced by a fundamental understanding making our garden flourishing positivity in a steady and strong way.

The moment we realise the clear difference between darkness and light, understanding why the path of light represents the liberation from darkness, it’s the moment we get ready to walk the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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