It’s important to wake up for the fact we’re the only one capable of understanding our own suffering in a conscious and meaningful way. It’s with such understanding at hand that we can be genuinely soft towards the self and others, focusing our efforts on performing our body and mind training to make progress in our personal evolution. The majority of the time we face and deal with configurations of the universe, and organisations in the surroundings, that are specific for the self, which means no other person would be able to either observe or replicate it properly. We can relate those configurations as something similar to the appearance of a comet, the discovery of a new star, and the occurrence of an eclipse. If we aren’t prepared to observe, analyse, and understand what’s in the surroundings, we wouldn’t be able to understand how to walk the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

We need to perform our body and mind training, sharpening our ability to observe anything we’ve contact with in the present moment. There’s no other way of doing that consciously and meaningfully if not through our third eye. There’s no salvation in embracing darkness and following the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. For the ones who are gifted with the ability of self-evolution, it’s a matter of time becoming stronger and resilient against darkness and any type of negativity we’ve contact with in the scene we’re part of. For those who’ve more difficulty waking up on their own, keeping consciousness at hand can be learned, making the self realise the difference between conditioning and understanding.

No conditioned being, experiencing deep periods of suffering, is able to recognise darkness and hatred culture. Being conditioned and accepting it is just being a slave of our own suffering. Keeping consciousness at hand, stepping into our personal evolution, on the contrary, is establishing a strong foundation to tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within, attaining higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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