It’s through knowledge acquisition that we can be aware of something new, or even fix, adjust, adapt, and sharpen what we already know about a given subject. It’s through knowledge acquisition that we can realise and understand how deteriorative embracing darkness can be, keeping consciousness at hand and using our third eye to see the truth, letting no illusions cloud our perception about the negative conditioning we’re subjected to. It’s through knowledge acquisition that we can go deep within, cultivating and nurturing our beautiful light to manifest an unlimited amount of power while attaining higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances. It’s through knowledge acquisition that we can experience and embrace the full extent of anything aligned with our love nature, understanding that no matter who we’re, our beautiful light is essential to make the universe what it’s in the present moment.

No matter how appreciated we may feel we’re in the present moment we need to generate, cultivate, and nurture happiness and light from the inside out. It’s through shining our light that we can attract other astonishing energies, which would know how to appreciate the beauty of the self in a conscious and meaningful way, a beauty no one has the power to diminish without our own permission.

It’s through knowledge acquisition that we can develop a strong and resilient posture to face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. Let’s think a bit: How vulnerable are we with little or no motivation to acquire knowledge? How easy could we be manipulated or deceived by another if we choose to believe instead of understand? Keeping consciousness at hand makes us realise and understand how astonishing we already are, and how powerful we become when supporting our path on top of knowledge and understanding.

When something feels good by the simple experience of sensing it, it would become even better if we’ve knowledge and understanding about what we’re feeling, and what could enhance our alignment with our love nature in a conscious and meaningful way.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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