One fundamental characteristic we need to keep enhancing while facing darkness, Neo-Nazi ideologies, and slavery-related values is our capability of learning and producing knowledge and wisdom. It’s essential we keep consciousness at hand and use our third eye to observe, analyse, and understand what happens in the present moment, diminishing the influence of the negative conditioning we’re subjected to on the self, stepping into our personal evolution to tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within. It’s only after waking up to recognise and understand who we really are that we get ready to attain unimaginable levels of peace of mind, heading towards enlightenment.
We all have the ability of becoming enlightened, attaining buddhahood, the pure state of mind representing an astonishing capability of being totally aligned with our love nature, manifesting the beautiful light we’ve deep within in a conscious and meaningful way. Darkness, Neo-Nazism, slavery-related values, or anything associated with hatred culture are not enough to diminish the unlimited and beautiful manifestation of light originated in the pure energy of genuine love.
We’re able to face anything if we understand we can surpass any imposed limit. It’s a matter of time, motivation, and willingness for doing good, distancing the self from any value promoted and disseminated by darkness. We’re extraordinary, and we’re just able to find out when keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances.
Darkness and Neo-Nazism may have more resources. They may have power to manipulate, control, and brainwash people who are weak in ruling their own minds. They may dominate every single inch surrounding the self. The beacon of love, light, and understanding will always be vivid, strong, and eternal when we understand a simple yet fundamental Buddha’s teaching: no one can do anything to the self without our own permission.
Enrolling in the darkness’ path is giving such a permission, while establishing a strong, peaceful, and resilient posture in the face of darkness represents the message of hope saying: you may enter yet would never rule a reign that is meant to be ruled by the conscious mind who is the rightful heir to the throne.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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