Slavery and discrimination are as ancient as civilisation itself, which indicates the presence of darkness and minds in suffering attempting to control others, and use them as slaves for sexual acts or any type of physical work, since a very long time. Slavery has been adapted to the changes evolving civilisation in the face of climate changes, development of technology, and how we see one another, mainly observing diversity in genres, cultures, skin colour, and social status. It’s only when seeing one another as equals that we can vanish from the self any value or negative conditioning derived from slavery practices. As a consequence, facing darkness and dealing with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into requires dealing with slavery-related practices in a conscious and meaningful way, which may include dealing with Neo-Nazism.

In the 21st century slavery is forbidden by law in many states around the globe, which—unfortunately—isn’t a synonym for its complete end. On the contrary, the slavery values have evolved and adapted to changes in legislation, keeping the idea of, at least, two classes of people: a superior class (i.e., who has monetary power), and an inferior class (i.e., who has not). A person is seen as a slave if has no monetary power, which implies observing a completely different interpretation of legislation according to how strong are the slavery-related values in a given territory. The consequences are crystal clear: two people committing the same violation of the common laws are handled differently according to their monetary power.

We can only vanish any type of  influence from slavery within our own perspective and relativity when genuinely seeing people as equals. Doing that implies being prepared to face an ancient social system of privileges, which some of who are considered VIP by the system (i.e., darkness itself) have a clear intention to keep it vivid, segregating what people can do and where they can go according to social status.

Performing our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way enables us to vanish any influence of slavery-related values from our own perspective and relativity. Without such an influence in the equation, we get ready to step into higher levels of our personal evolution, tapping into the unlimited power we’ve deep within in order to face darkness and deal with obnoxious behaviours before the self.

The moment we realise the relation between slavery practices and the profit of suffering, it’s the moment we understand what has to be done in order to keep consciousness at hand and walk the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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