Sometimes we may ask the self: How could we live a meaningful life and get no fear of observing the presence of both slavery and Neo-Nazi pro-movements in the surroundings and the environment we’re inserted into? The answer is simple: we need to cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we’ve deep within, performing our body and mind training in order to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. Those movements have adapted to either using or bending the current laws in order to not get caught, attempting to lead the target person to get out of mind and perform awful actions punished by the same laws. If we’re experiencing direct attempts of intimidation and violence towards us, and we know little or nothing of self-defence, it’s better to move away and prevent the suffering of others to harm the self. Otherwise, we may stay until that environment contributes little or nothing to our personal evolution, moving away to let slavery and Neo-Nazi pro-movements consume themselves without harming us during that process.

It’s important learning how to identify the presence of slavery and Neo-Nazi pro-movements in the environment we’re inserted into. Those movements are related to the presence of darkness in the surroundings, and can only be effectively faced through knowledge acquisition, enabling the self to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. Dealing with slavery and Neo-Nazi pro-movements in the 21st century, where they’ve adapted to either using or bending the current laws for doing their discriminatory acts, requires one to be aware and awaken of what happens in the present moment. It’s only by keeping consciousness at hand, and using our third eye to see the illusions we’ve contact with, that we can draw suitable strategies for attaining higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances.

Let’s remember: slavery and Neo-Nazi pro-movements have adapted to perform discriminatory acts towards a target person using provocative strategies the current laws are inefficient to offer protection against. The goal is causing the target person to get out of mind to commit something punished by the same laws, justifying all the discriminatory behaviours in the surroundings. The more we’re aware of that, the better we can use both the current laws and the knowledge we’ve at hand to walk the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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