There’s indeed a dominance and control of hatred culture, slavery and neo-nazi values, as well as negativity in the society we’re part of. Such a huge period of chaos implies unimaginable moments with lack of consciousness dictating what happens within and in the surroundings. People are succumbing to their own periods of suffering, embracing the presence of darkness in the surroundings, getting conditioned, and letting their unconscious minds take control of their actions. The worst may happen: a person who doesn’t understand the chaotic state of the world we’re living in taking their own life in an attempt to escape something we need to face. We cannot let slavery, neo-nazism, darkness, and hatred culture itself dictate the course of humanity. Committing suicide will just making it worse, enforcing the support for a conditioned behaviour we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. If we’re conscious enough to accept darkness no more, living a meaningful life no matter the circumstances, the way of fighting a war fed by negativity is living a life generating love deep within. Thus, manifesting that love from the inside out, and not coping with the presence of darkness and the negative conditioning are the effective strategies to begin changing the world where it matters the most: deep within.

Taking our own life as a desperate act of not supporting the huge amount of negativity we’ve contact with isn’t a way to escape hatred culture. On the contrary, such a decision just has the power to make it worse. A suicide reinforces the conditioned behaviour we’re living in, changing nothing but accelerating the regression to the old values of both slavery and nazism.

We have the power to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, perform our body and mind training, and live a life with the certainty that we're embracing no darkness during our life journey. It would be easier to start living a meaningful life within an environment where honour, respect, liberty, equality, and fraternity were genuinely promoted. However, observing deception all around isn’t an excuse for neither doing the same (i.e, promoting hatred culture) nor throwing our life away by committing suicide. Those who’ve committed suicide have to be remembered as heroes, and the lack of bravery they may have presented during a period of suffering they were experiencing need to be used as a motivation for us to keep living, enhancing the self in order to change the chaotic environment we’re inserted into.

Let’s cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we’ve deep within, embracing no darkness and walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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