Cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within is the way to step out of our own suffering. It’s by becoming totally aligned with our love nature that we can realise and understand the benefits of being focused on our evolutionary path, performing our body and mind training while attaining higher levels of peace of mind. It’s indeed much more beneficial to everyone. Although a conscious mind can clearly see all the benefits of promoting and disseminating love instead of hate, a mind in suffering isn’t able to do it easily. As a consequence, we need to get prepared to deal with people who’re jealous about anything we do. There’s also a negative conditioning related to it, which has been converted into a piece of advice that says to hide or speak to no one anything of any successful activity or progress we make until we get into a position of having a lot of money, which (supposedly) grants us the permission for doing so.
Have you thought about the reasons for the existence of such negative conditioning? The answer is quite simple. The moment we expose ourselves, no matter it’s to a broad audience reached through social media or the World Wide Web (WWW), or even in a small private group within the roots of our family, there’s a probability of someone listening to the news of our progress and success getting jealous, which implies that person would make a huge effort to destroy anything we’re building, implying also efforts to stealing, copying, or profiting from it, masquerading what’s really happening. Thus, it’s recommended that we only expose ourselves if, and only if, we increase the balance of our bank account to, at least, six figures. If we keep consciousness at hand, we can use our third eye to see all illusions we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into.
The hidden discrimination we face with the dominance and control of darkness, implying the growth of awful movements such as Neo-Nazism and Neo-Facism, is evident for a conscious mind. We observe that people have been conditioned to enjoy seeing someone dealing with challenges and difficulties imposed by the environment, rather than enjoying their personal evolution resulting from their own work and effort. It’s like going back in time, where people went to see fights to the death between human beings, and sometimes, other animals such as lions. They pleased much more the death of one rather than a victory with no death involved. When replicating it to daily life activities, we observe minds in suffering more concerned with posing difficulties and deceiving another, making a huge effort to prevent others from achieving their goals, than enhancing themselves. A mind in suffering who gets jealous of the evolutionary path of others grasps the desire to consider themselves superior race, eagerly performing anything in their power to destroy everyone or everything they consider a threat. It enables them to make no effort at all, helping or supporting no one in their evolutionary path, mainly if those people are better in performing any activity related to work, sports, and so on. The pleasure of such a mind in suffering is considering themselves the most intelligent, wise, strong, fit, or healthy in the surroundings no matter the circumstances, exhibiting the chaotic and deteriorative reality dictated by the illusory power of money. The more we realise that we can only face and deal with darkness by keeping consciousness at hand, performing our body and mind training, acquiring as much knowledge as we can, and therefore, stepping into our personal evolution, it’s the moment we understand it’s by being totally aligned with our love nature that we can attain higher levels of peace of mind, no matter the circumstances.
Jealousy. When jealousy is something vivid in a mind in suffering who has granted some sort of power and control over others, we observe the growth of darkness and negative conditioning in the environment we’re inserted into. A mind in suffering who’s jealous keeps itself in a deep period of suffering, enjoying the chaos and collapse observed in the surroundings. The possession of any decision power over people can be utilised in the attempt to rule others in an illusory picture of society we’re part of. Such a chaotic situation enables them to make no effort to keep themselves in power, dictating the progress of the illusory society we’re part of as their own image and character. It’s the infinite loop of suffering and hate we need to step out of.
The moment we realise the only way to genuinely face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into is stepping into our personal evolution, it’s the moment we understand cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within is the foundation to attain higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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