Facing darkness and dealing with any type of slavery-related movement in the 21st century requires courage. Courage isn’t required to be ready for fighting a war like in the middle age. Courage is required to enhance the self, becoming stronger and resilient against deceptions, illusions, negative conditioning, and the cult of hate we observe in the environment we’re inserted into. The cult of hate keeps being promoted by the presence of darkness in the surroundings, and it’ll be like that until every sentient being gets conscious enough to understand the cult of hate as an open market, where people’s lives get negotiated in hidden ways but very similar to the ancient periods of slavery. Instead of enslaving people, we see people being targeted by hate speech, discrimination, and obnoxious behaviours, usually forming hatred groups to perform a lot of negative actions with the simple goal of making the life of such targeted people miserable from the perspective of a mind in suffering promoting such a hatred campaign. It’s indeed very hard to end such an open market of hatred. Although we’ve no suitable solution for doing that on a short-term basis, we can acquire as much knowledge as we can, perform our body and mind training to be able to defend ourselves, and attain higher levels of peace of mind, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within. Let’s remember there’s no darkness before light, and there’s no negotiation lives before a conscious mind.
It’s extremely important that we all wake up to prevent the complete dominance of hatred culture in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s indeed hard and challenging to see the cult of hate growing and feeling powerless against all the negative actions being promoted, mainly when we’ve direct contact with it every single day in the environment we’re inserted into. The first and most challenging understanding we’ve to attain is taming our unconscious mind to prevent the self from stepping into a period of suffering. We cannot let the self being deteriorated and consumed by the same negative energy we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into.
We may think we’re alone, which makes things even harder to observe, realise, and understand. However, the truth is that we’re never alone. There are many sources of light aligned with our love nature everywhere in the universe we’re part of. Some have already attained suitable levels of clarity of mind and consciousness. Others are still in the process of waking up.
Let’s get empowered by the process of our awakening, letting darkness trespassing the gates of our personal fortress no more. Let’s live alongside darkness, powering up the self to boost our immune system, creating a strong species capable of becoming extraordinary creatures capable of diminishing the influence of the cult of hate through generations ahead.
We may not be able to end the aforementioned open market of hatred in a snap of fingers. However, we can be kind, compassionate, and non-judgemental, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within as a foundation to step into our personal evolution. Again, let’s clearly remember: there’s no darkness before light, and there’s no negotiation of lives before a conscious mind.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ublJWCd13-MLKuMbZ2phQql5MoEnw82v/view?usp=drivesdk