Facing darkness, Neo-Nazism, Neo-Facism, or any other slavery-related movement—which has been established after the commons laws and fundamental human rights take place—requires attaining higher levels of peace of mind. Most of the time we need to tame our worst enemy, which is our own suffering. After doing that, keeping consciousness at hand enables us to deal with obnoxious behaviours before the self, which are related to discriminatory acts and performed most of the time as provocative scenes. The reason for the use of provocative scenes is almost obvious: if a target person gets out of mind, being disturbed by such a negative stimulation, the probability of that person doing something aside from our love nature is extremely high. Therefore, the moment a target person performs a negative action, it’s the moment we’ve an inversion of control. If such a negative action can be punished by the common laws, they get applied. If it cannot, the target person is ostracised until stepping into an infinite loop of suffering, violating a common law, or both. Understanding how darkness and hatred culture works enables the self to adapt our personal strategy to perform our body and mind training in a more suitable way, attaining higher levels of peace of mind, and walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

It’s important we observe, analyse, and understand what happens deep within and in the surroundings, acquiring the proper knowledge required to understand how the illusion of modern society works. We need to identify how such an illusory entity sees us in the present moment, and how we can deal with any negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into according to that external (and illusory) view, which doesn’t have any power to define who we really are.

The moment we’ve clear in our mind who we really are, and how astonishing it’s to cultivate and nurture the beautiful life we’ve deep within, it’s the moment we establish a clear foundation to be able to enhance the self, tapping into the unlimited power we’ve deep within and stepping into our personal evolution.

It’s crystal clear that being aligned with our love nature is indeed the way of walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. Let’s be kind, compassionate, and non-judgemental. And, if by any chance or circumstance, we step into a period of suffering, let’s keep consciousness at hand to learn and extract wonderful pieces of knowledge from it.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aBGJcSAzRh2VGi1v9QvP9cfdkyc2EpVE/view?usp=drivesdk

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