It’s important we learn how to recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings, identifying the different patterns utilised by minds in suffering who have embraced hatred culture. We can imagine that as being in the middle of Nazi Germany but protected by the common laws of the present moment, which prevent such minds in suffering to commit the same atrocities Nazi army has committed with Jewish people during World War II. Although atrocities are either allowed or accepted no more, we may still experience a hostile environment similar to the one promoted by the Gestapo, which has had the goal of removing Jewish people from the city centre using unpleasant and provocative behaviours, sabotaging and deceiving people at the same time of expecting a negative reaction to put a person in jail. If we keep aligned with our love nature and perform our body and mind training focused on our personal evolution, we eventually attain higher levels of peace of mind to support walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Learning how to observe the self and the surroundings is an essential skill for the duty of understanding our own suffering. It’s fundamental that we learn how to segregate negativity observed on the outside from any type of negative energy that may be generated deep within, while experiencing a period of suffering. When dealing with a source of negative energy on the outside, we’ve no power of ruling, controlling, or converting that source into something positive and meaningful. However, we can use its outcome in our favour, ruling, controlling, and converting the negativity trespassing the gates of our own perspective and relativity into something beneficial to our personal evolution. We can also do the same with negative energy generated deep within, with the difference that we’ve full control of that internal source if keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances.

It’s by stepping into our personal evolution, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, that we can make the planet a better place to live in. We just need to become stronger and more resilient against the presence of darkness with a simple yet fundamental strategy: keeping the self aligned with our love nature.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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