It’s important we perform our body and mind training to attain higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances. It’s crystal clear that we need to cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we’ve deep within, becoming totally aligned with our love nature in a conscious and meaningful way. We’re all equals yet some minds in suffering insist on the contrary. Thus, it’s time to understand we all can share the same environment meaningfully and peacefully if we all have respect for the personal space and privacy of one another. The more we realise that, the better we understand how to face darkness, dealing with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into in a conscious and meaningful way, while letting room for any slavery-related value to grow deep inside no more.
Observing the presence of darkness in the surroundings enables the self to see clearly what the awful desire of dominance and control does to the society we’re part of. We’ve a lot of examples through history, where slavery is present in all of them as the foundation to mark the segregation of people in, at least, two classes: superior race and slaves. Feeding that illusion isn’t sustainable, and both the environment and people themselves have to pay the price for such inability to see others as equals.
The negative outcome of that slavery-related foundation we observe in the current society is quite obvious. We’ve to live with different types of conflicts, from territorial wars to domestic violence, all feeding the chaotic foundation established by darkness and its cult of hate.
The earlier we realise we’re all equals, the easier we understand we can feed ourselves with kindness, compassion, and love instead of frustration, despair, and hate.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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