There’s no other way but keeping consciousness at hand to face darkness and deal with negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. Nowadays, mainly with the growth of the Internet and the connected world we live in at the present moment, hatred culture is more powerful than ever, hiding behind technology to practise a lot of discriminatory acts—and following Neo-Nazi ideologies—with the goal of harming others. As a defensive measure, we need to acquire as much knowledge as we can to put aside any type of discrimination we may have contact with, no matter if it's in person or through the use of social media platforms over the Internet. The more conscious we’re, the easier it’s to realise and understand how astonishing we already are, and how beneficial it’s to cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we’ve deep within.

It’s our duty to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, observing, analysing, and understanding we’ve the power deep within to enhance the self, stepping into our personal evolution. It’s only through the power of our own mind that we can wake up to the fact that we’re beautiful and astonishing creatures of love already, and therefore, the presence of darkness and hatred culture itself have no means to define us.

When we hear discriminatory speech and become part of an obnoxious scene with the presence of darkness in the surroundings, we get back to the time of slavery, where people were enslaved by human beings who considered themselves superior. It’s not a surprise that more recent movements, such as Neo-Nazism, have the same principle in their roots, implying the commitment of atrocities in an awful attempt to feed an illusion of supremacy. Those minds in suffering, who’re doing anything to control and rule other people's minds, have already failed their goal. If we think carefully, they cannot even control their own minds, and therefore, the act of controlling and ruling everything is established on top of a Big lie propaganda and illusion of supremacy. We’re equals, and therefore, considering ourselves a superior race is nothing more than part of a deep period of suffering being experienced by some who’re jelous about the meaningful and evolutionary path of others.

The majority of the time we’re struggling with the presence of darkness in the surroundings because we experience difficulties to understand the outside doesn’t define us. It’s essential we clearly understand that. Darkness promotes discriminatory acts in the surroundings with the goal of conditioning our mind to believe what the outside is gossiping and disseminating is true. We just need to wake up to look deep within to understand it’s not, attaining higher levels of peace of mind to recognise anything in the surroundings aside from our love nature, i.e., things that contribute to the duty of understanding the need of being kind and compassionate with the self and others.

The moment we realise how wonderful it’s to be focused on our personal evolution, it’s the moment we understand the presence of darkness on the outside has the power to influence nothing deep within without our own permission. It means, we’re the ruler of our own mind, and we can use the presence of darkness in our favour, stepping into our personal evolution consciously and meaningfully.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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