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We’ve no power to make another step out of their own period of suffering. However, it doesn’t mean we’ve to accept any obnoxious behaviour towards us, mainly if it’s charged with discriminatory and negative energy. Being kind and compassionate isn’t a synonym of being passive and permissive, accepting anyone to commit atrocities before us with no care of what happens in the present moment. We may have no power to make another stop any behaviour aside from our love nature…yet we’ve all the power to enhance the self, being prepared to stand strong and tall before darkness. We can prevent the deterioration of life by either walking away or, in the impossibility of doing so, applying defensive measures to protect life no matter the circumstances. The simple act of not embracing darkness and hatred culture, becoming no member of any awful movement such as Neo-Nazism or Neo-Facism, is indeed an act of bravery from a knight of love who cares about life as the ultimate goal.
The most powerful ability we’ve at hand is being conscious and aware of what happens within, and in the surroundings, keeping alert and observing the present moment. It’s through consciousness that we can use our third eye to see illusions we’ve contact with, putting aside anything not aligned with our love nature. It’s based on our conscious observation of the present moment that we can choose, every single day, to cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we’ve deep within, attaining higher levels of peace of mind through the progress of our body and mind training.
Let’s be brave to choose stepping into our personal evolution, attaining higher levels of peace of mind, and embracing no darkness no matter the circumstances. It’s important we get aware of the presence of darkness in the surroundings, understanding that as long as we give no permission to darkness for entering the fortress of our mind, no obnoxious behaviour or hatred culture can do anything with us.
The more we realise the benefits of being aligned with our love nature, the better we understand that cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within establishes the foundation to face darkness, enabling us to walk the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11607jZoUICQaPQCsFAx_AjxFWTgY5GAD/view?usp=drivesdk