Do we really know all the details regarding something that someone is telling us? Probably not as we’re usually not the person who has experienced it. When we realise our intrinsic inability of being omnipresent, and the fact that people can be dishonoured, we understand why few people at strategic positions can deceive an entire population with almost no means of being unmasked from the deception they’re promoting. The inability of being omnipresent, and the fact that we need to deal with a huge number of dishonoured people, makes the need of establishing an inquisitive and non-judgemental attitude more important than ever. Recognising the presence of darkness in the surroundings is then essential to understand we’re not puppets at the hands of others. A conscious mind will never be. It’s a clear understanding we need to attain, preventing being conditioned to perform brainless actions on behalf of others, having no idea of what we’re doing in the present moment. We need to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, waking up to the ultimate truth that says the majority of people can only recognise and understand the extremes of good and bad actions. However, the majority of the time we experience situations where good and bad are mixed and masked between one another, allowing dishonoured people to deceive and hide while honoured ones get framed and accused of things they’ve never committed. We need to stop it from happening, keeping consciousness at hand, acquiring as much knowledge as we can, and copping with honoured actions and behaviours as a way of diminishing the influence of darkness within our own perspective and relativity. 

Caring about life as the ultimate goal is something we need to establish as the foundation of our existence. It’s important we realise and understand we deal with a huge number of dishonoured people all the time, which implies being subjected to negative conditioning in the environment we’re inserted into. Let’s observe the environment we’re inserted into and ask clear questions. For example: Do we know the true reason why Russia and Ukraine are still at war? We probably will never know the answer for that question, as we don’t know the answer to clearly explain why the Nazi regime had established the goal to wipe out Jewish people from existence.

When we're not the subject experiencing a given fact, we’ve accepted the conditioning of agreeing on a version of that fact, which can be: (1) totally true, (2) partially true, (3) partially false, or (4) totally fabricated. We will never be able to establish a clear difference between those four perspectives of any fact happening somewhere else outside of our own perspective and relativity.

It’s by attaining such clarity of mind that we start understanding why Buddha’s approach is so powerful and adaptable, letting every single person acquiring proper knowledge, understanding, and wisdom based on the experiences that can be consciously observed from their own perspective and relativity, being shielded from misconceptions, manipulations, and deceptions promoted by others on the outside.

The moment we acquire the clarity of mind required to walk the path towards a meaningful life, it’s the moment we understand we need to attain enlightenment on our own, no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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