It’s essential that we learn how to observe, analyse, and understand what happens in the present moment, which prevents being deceived by illusions we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into. We need to understand that living in the middle of the modern society (year 2024) implies being exposed to a huge amount of negative energy derived from darkness and its cult of hate. As a consequence, keeping consciousness at hand has become the new black if compared to ancient times where the practice of slavery was allowed, implying black people being prosecuted and enslaved against their will. The moment we realise that, it’s the moment we understand why it’s fundamental to perform our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way, preparing the self to deal with anything, no matter the circumstances.
Recognising the presence of darkness in the surroundings, and being conscious of what happens in the present moment, is our duty as creatures of love. On the other hand, embracing darkness and stepping into a deep period of suffering prevents us from understanding that we’re really creatures of love, which means, we’ve to be brainwashed and conditioned to be able to hate. It’s crystal clear that the negative conditioning segregating the modern society (year 2024) into groups, where some groups are considered superior races, just establishes the foundation to promote the aforementioned cult of hate. We see discrimination among those groups, and privileges being either removed or granted according to which group a given person is a member of. It doesn’t make sense yet it’s a common practice we clearly observe in environments where people aren’t considered equals.
The only way of facing the presence of darkness, and the huge discrimination we may need to deal with in the environment we’re inserted into, is keeping consciousness at hand and performing our body and mind training to attain higher levels of peace of mind. The more we do that, the easier it’s for stepping into our personal evolution, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, and enabling the manifestation of genuine love from the inside out.
Let’s be aware and awaken to the beauty of love, diminishing any side effects we may experience while having contact with the huge amount of negative energy derived from the presence of darkness—and the cult of hate—we observe in the environment we’re inserted into.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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