The goal of darkness is always influencing a person to step into a period of suffering. There’s high technology that can be utilised as a method of physical torture, e.g., food poisoning, attempting to break a person for blindly following beliefs. Let’s imagine a scenario where someone has the eager desire to see you depressed. Thus, every time you attempt to eat something that person finds a way to poison your food with something that triggers the need to evacuate. If you’ve not developed a strong and resilient mind, there’s a high probability that evacuating a lot, and with no clear reason, may get you down after a while. And dealing with such a situation is extremely challenging, as there are a lot of substances—including ones we eat daily from natural sources—capable of causing the aforementioned situation. For example, In Brazil if we search on news or newspapers we can find similar torturing behaviours described as something that happens within jail. The tactics can be numerous. Let me mention just a few: putting something rot in your bag to get smelly; pulverising some smelly substance on your clothes to frame a situation similar to not showering for days; mixing garlic and other substances with strong smell to cause you experiencing bad breath; and so on. Thus, like Buddhist monks in Tibet that have been physically tortured, we need to establish a strong posture, keeping consciousness at hand to deal with anything before the self. Whether we’re under any type of physical torture, the important is cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.
Developing a strong yet peaceful posture is something we need to understand how to achieve. We need a genuine purpose of caring about life as the ultimate goal, which implies a solid motivation to perform our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way. It’s only when we’re with our mind at peace that we can properly deal with any negativity we may have contact with in the environment we’re inserted into.
The more clarity of mind we attain, the better we understand that a strong yet peaceful mind is unbreakable, becoming resilient against any source of negativity no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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