We’re all connected with the universe, contributing to the cultivation and nurturing of life across the galaxy. It’s by keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances that we can attain clarity of mind to understand we still need to acquire knowledge, study, and perform tasks on our own in order to keep on track towards our personal evolution and the path of a meaningful life. We need to realise that attaining the clarity of mind concerning the importance of acquiring knowledge as much as we can isn’t shared by all. Some have the eager desire to have fun as much as they can while finding a way of putting machines to do the hard intellectual and creative work, enslaving those who aren’t sharing the same mindset. Disregarding knowledge acquisition in the benefit of luxury doesn’t work well in the long-term, and history is the evidence of it. The moment we realise we’re still a species that fight a war of luxury versus knowledge, it’s the moment we understand that experiencing things derived from luxury can be (sometimes) temporary moments of pause from the duty of acquiring as much knowledge as we can, while focusing on luxury as a priority makes knowledge acquisition and sharing harder through generations.
We’re all creatures of love who are meant to be totally aligned with the universe itself, contributing to the development and evolution of all forms of life. Besides the duty of understanding our own suffering, we still need to get involved into an unwanted and useless war of luxury versus knowledge, which distorts all values of honour and caring about life as the ultimate goal promoted by any sentient being that keeps consciousness at hand and attain higher levels of peace of mind.
It seems we’ve got used to observing, analysing, and understanding that we’ve reached a higher level of ignorance that makes people accept the fabricated illusion that knowledge is only meaningful and useful if being generated by, and resulting in the promotion and creation of more luxury. It explains why the idea of Artificial Intelligence (AI) replacing any type of work performed by human beings, which also include scientific and creative work, is becoming so popular.
AI is a wonderful technology that can help us to achieve higher levels of understanding if well utilised. Instead of replacing humans, AI agents can become our partners and personal instructors to help us acquire as much knowledge as we can—faster than the previous generations—in order to enable us to develop more advanced pieces of knowledge related to science, technology, and creative work of art.
Each one of us can have a personal instructor, which can be customised and adapted to the ways we like better for learning activities. It may result in extraordinary things such as living longer lives as a result of being more resilient against anything we may have contact with in the environment we’re inserted into.
The war of luxury versus knowledge is still going on, and it seems to be something we’ve no prediction of when it would come to an end for the sake of the universe. Let’s be brave to keep cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, acquiring as much knowledge as we can, and walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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