Animals (human beings included) are usually extremely good at recognising patterns, which means they dictate their behaviour based on pattern recognition. However, when negative conditioning takes place, blocking the natural ability of a human being to think, people start getting mad and performing brainless actions, which are extremely difficult—almost impossible, sometimes—to understand. If you’ve a hard time of picturing and understanding what I’m saying, let me give you an example. If we get a lion after birth and treat such a lion with kindness and love, besides their natural ability as a predator, they start behaving very kindly with us. However, if they get conditioned in a negative way, put in a cage and treated with actions based on hate, they start being very aggressive, which implies they (somewhat) start recognising the pattern they have been treated in everything they have contact with. If we open the cage, such a lion treated with hate will attempt to kill everything they encounter. Thus, when we’re conscious of what negative conditioning can produce, we start understanding why it’s important to recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings. The moment we start recognising it, it’s the moment we understand why we need to keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances; or we see darkness creating another unconscious animal conditioned by hate.

Patterns…they’re in everything we do, which includes in the foundation of what we call Artificial Intelligence (AI). An AI agent is a pattern matcher, which has been trained to recognise a pattern in a similar way human beings do. Thus, the ability of pattern recognition requires no consciousness at hand, which implies that it can be conditioned in either a positive or negative way.

When we see our natural ability of pattern recognition to be used in a positive way, we see the foundation of extraordinary things humankind is able to create. When combining such natural ability of recognising patterns with consciousness, implying the exercise of our intrinsic ability to think and the learned capability of reasoning, we see the creation of new technologies and the advance of humanity. On the other hand, when we see such natural ability of pattern recognition being conditioned in a negative way, anything bad can happen, and we can see a sample of it in bad results delivered by AI agents being poorly trained. When an AI agent is poorly trained and, therefore, conditioned in a bad way, it implies that we may see an AI agent committing huge mistakes when attempting to use pattern recognition for performing a trained action. As training isn’t perfect, even if an AI agent is well-trained, there’s still a small probability of it committing huge mistakes. An AI agent has no consciousness of what they’re doing. Sometimes they may exhibit something similar to what we know of consciousness yet it’s still far from considering an AI agent a conscious entity.

Keeping consciousness at hand while recognising and facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings is essential. Our intrinsic ability to think, combined with our learned capability of reasoning, is the foundation to prevent us embracing darkness and the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into.

The moment we realise that cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within in a conscious and meaningful way can be done no matter the circumstances, it’s the moment we understand why we’ve an unlimited power deep within we call love.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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