Facing darkness is dealing with the legacy of both hatred culture and nazism, which implies dealing with obnoxious behaviours derived from the promotion of a privileged supremacy as commander of the new world order established. That privileged supremacy has evolved and masked itself outside of the already known nazist ideology promoted by the cult of hate, putting groups of people, ideologies, or anything they don’t promote in the centre of such a cult. We’re in the face of allowing lab experiments forcibly mixing human beings with other species, and selling it as something required to our own evolution. It makes no sense. If society continues walking that path paved by darkness, the probability of ending up in a chaotic environment with traces of slavery and the old fashioned society clearly segregated into masters and slaves is extremely high. Let’s keep consciousness at hand to prevent it from happening.

Hatred culture and nazism walk hand-to-hand with the idea of promoting the cult of hate. The principle is in the foundation: hating who is considered “inferior race”, making efforts to assure “such inferior creatures” cannot become or produce anything better than what the privileged group of people that has embraced darkness can either become or produce. The view is simple: who consider themselves as “superior race” cannot bear the idea of having a person considered “inferior” attaining anything better than they do. If by any chance of circumstances they cannot surpass any result obtained by someone considered “inferior”, the Big lie propaganda, widely applied during the nazi regime, takes place until it becomes an absolute truth.

We can only observe the presence of darkness in the surroundings if we use our third eye to look into the details of what happens in the present moment. It’s also important to notice the connection between the cult of hate and the strategy of using the Big lie propaganda to diminish any achievement of who is considered “inferior race”.

We need to perform our body and mind training, getting ready to deal with the big wave of hate that has been formed for so long with the accumulation of atrocities, wars, and attacks towards humanity performed in the past millennia. The better we get prepared, the easier it is to lay low to be totally connected and aligned with the universe itself, establishing a sustainable use of natural resources in a conscious and meaningful way, which prevents darkness from prevailing (at least) within our own perspective and relativity.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1D4_q85rMnxcfqemMqcT44afu5o_IL7h_/view?usp=drivesdk

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