It’s essential that we open our third eye to see the purpose of life, realising and understanding our connection and role with the whole fabric of the universe. We all are unique and fundamental parts of this fabric, and different from popular beliefs, our destiny isn’t set on stone. On the contrary. It’s by acquiring as much knowledge as we can, performing our body and mind training, attaining higher levels of peace of mind, and stepping into our personal evolution that we can do anything, realising that each choice and decision we make implies challenges and difficulties we need to face and deal with in a conscious and meaningful way. The more we realise who we’re, the better we understand the elementary and priceless piece of knowledge that says: there’s no darkness before light.

Believing our destiny is set on stone is the biggest misconception and mistake we can ever make during our life journey. It’s important to realise and understand we’ve the power to change any imposition presented, no matter the circumstances. Let’s be honest: are we keeping consciousness at hand or hiding behind a period of suffering, being afraid to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings? The answer for that question is the foundation to draw a suitable strategy to deal with any source of negativity we may have contact with in the environment we’re inserted into.

Sometimes we may get tired of putting aside the huge number of stones we face while walking the path towards a meaningful life. Sometimes we get just bored of repeating the same movement over and over, saying no to any imposition aside from our love nature and yes to the development of our natural ability to think and capability of reasoning, being able to make our own decisions consciously and meaningfully. Let’s be brave to keep doing what we do best: stepping into our personal evolution.

If the number of stones is huge: Good! It’s an opportunity to accelerate our evolutionary path, taking the need of performing 50 or more years of body and mind training to attain a given level of body and mind control concentrated into 1/10 of the time. We can feel it if we keep consciousness at hand and are focused on becoming totally aligned with our love nature, cultivating and nurturing our beautiful light, which leads us to tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within.

The more aware we’re of what we can do, the better we understand why there’s no darkness before light.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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