It’s essential we keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, extracting priceless pieces of knowledge from the observation of both our suffering and the presence of darkness in the surroundings. When we play the life game of chess with darkness as our adversary, we start understanding the importance of every single piece we’ve available on the chessboard, and how strategy can be adapted to use any piece, which has more or less freedom of movement according to its associated role. One very intriguing yet wonderful thing about chess is that the King, which is the piece that must be defeated to win the game, has limited movements like the Pawn, which is the most numerous pieces on the chessboard. Thus, the moment we realise the relationship between the King and the Pawn, it’s the moment we understand why the Pawn can turn themselves into any other captured piece but the King when they reach the end of the chessboard.

Although the Pawn becomes the most underestimated piece of the chessboard, it has a hidden power that can turn it into the most powerful piece: the power of adaptation when reaching the end of the chessboard. The Pawn is more fragile, it’s more susceptible to be captured by other pieces on the board that have more freedom of movement; instead, the Pawn is the only piece that can adapt, turning into any other captured piece but the King. A piece that has very limited and restrained freedom of movement is the one that can change the game, opening room for achieving victory. How wonderful is it?

In real life we step into a huge period of suffering grasping the desire to be King or any other piece with the illusory view of being more powerful. That illusion is promoted by the negative conditioning we’re subjected to, which puts the Pawn into a submissive position, a piece that is disposable and weak if compared to any other piece on the chessboard. That is the biggest illusion of the life game of chess we play every single day.

The moment we realise how to unleash the power of adaptation that only the Pawn possesses, it’s the moment we understand we can only tap into such an unlimited power through the use of consciousness to face darkness and walk the path towards a meaningful life, no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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