It’s extremely important that we step into our personal evolution, getting prepared to deal with any type of negative conditioning and promotion of hatred culture in the environment we’re inserted into. We need to be strong and resilient against the presence of darkness in the surroundings, using all knowledge we’ve acquired to defend ourselves from dishonoured, dishonest, and deceptive actions with the clear intention of harming lives, which also include our own. The more prepared we’re, the better we can deal with anything aside from our love nature.
We’re the ruler of our own mind, which means we’ve full control over our body and mind while keeping consciousness at hand. Thus, it’s essential to perform our body and mind training to prevent being conditioned by the presence of darkness in the surroundings, implying the use of our strong, smart, and intrinsic ability of keeping consciousness at hand, no matter the circumstances.
We need to understand that we’re enough, and being enough implies being complete to generate and share love with others, becoming afraid of darkness no more. We need to understand we’re an important piece of the universe, and it’s by attaining such understanding that we can tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within, using such power to deal with anything threatening our life.
Let’s be brave, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within. The stronger our light is, the easier it’s to deal with the presence of darkness in the surroundings in a conscious and meaningful way.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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