It’s time to realise and understand there’s no room for violations of fundamental human rights, which we still hear news of every single day. Although we’ve written laws concerning the subject, in practice, there are a lot of people who either know nothing of or disregard the existence of such laws. Those who disregard the existence of fundamental human rights consider themselves as superior race, and most of the time treat others considered inferior like things, having support from a group of people who’re experiencing a deep period of suffering, behaving either as slaves or superior entities. We need to liberate ourselves from a period of suffering we’re experiencing, perform our body and mind training to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings, and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. The more we do that, the easier it’s establishing a strong, resilient, and peaceful posture, which cannot be mistaken as omissive, permissive, and inert attitudes.

It’s time to say enough for violations of fundamental human rights. It’s important we end it from the roots, which is vanishing such violations from the core of our own perspective and relativity. Being omissive, submissive, or playing dead doesn’t help when we either are experiencing such violations or have contact with someone experiencing it. We need to perform our body and mind training, preparing the self to face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in a conscious and meaningful way.

The moment we start observing chaotic behaviours in the surroundings, where hope becomes uncertain, requiring a huge effort to live a meaningful life, it’s the moment that the figure of Mahakala—the protector of life—emerges. Mahakala is neither good nor bad, it’s just required to keep the balance in check, preventing the chaos to dominate the environment we’re inserted into.

Seeing people being treated as slaves, women being sexually assaulted, children abused in different ways (including in sexual context), while we observe the state spending its resources with useless actions, is something that makes us think about why those atrocities are still happening nowadays (year 2025). While a woman is sexually assaulted, a child gets abused, a person is discriminated and treated as a slave, there are useless actions spending millions to do nothing, and having no result at all. What is wrong? Are people in charge of states more concerned with population surveillance than their well-being? I don’t think so, although we have (for sure) a movement that makes spending resources in surveillance more appealing than applying those resources to end child abuse, women sexual harrasment, and educating population to establish a conscious and meaningful understanding of union, where everyone is treated well and as equals, no matter the circumstances. If we continue to spend more resources on surveillance than on the well-being of people, we would just speed-up to walk fast on the regressive path we are already heading towards.

The moment we realise what really matters, it’s the moment we understand how precious life is, and why we need to spend our resources to enhance the well-being of people, who need no surveillance at all when well-educated, enabling them to contribute to the progress of humanity instead of its deterioration.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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