Learning how to observe and recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings is essential to the duty of walking the path towards a meaningful life, no matter the circumstances. Although the priority is dealing with and diminishing the influence of any type of negativity within our own perspective and relativity, it’s also important to be aware of external sources of negativity creating and imposing challenges and difficulties we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. The better we understand the difference of the aforementioned sources of negativity, the easier it is to draw suitable strategies to face and deal with them in a conscious and meaningful way, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within during our life journey.
When we’ve contact with the promotion of hatred culture at any cost, what we see before us is a fabricated chaotic behaviour, which the intention is harming people, diminishing their intrinsic ability to cultivate and nurture the beautiful light they’ve deep within. The goal is crystal clear: if people start opening room for hatred culture and diminishing their intrinsic ability to love, a chaotic environment will take place, eventually. Thus, if we keep no consciousness at hand to see no truth before our third eye, we get deceived by the presence of darkness in the surroundings, embracing the negative conditioning we’re subjected to, and therefore, contributing to the promotion of the chaotic environment darkness is eager to establish.
Performing our body and mind training is then essential to support the duty of facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings. We need to establish a strong, resilient yet peaceful station, attaining higher levels of peace of mind to tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within. Let’s be brave, living a meaningful life full of joy and happiness by cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12KKgPSXr1jGSAxKVNWA6Y6yS0GeB7a6C/view?usp=drivesdk