One thing we’re able to observe when keeping consciousness at hand is that anyone embracing darkness has a huge fear of conscious people who perform their body and mind training, i.e., people aligned with our love nature and keeping themselves on the path towards a meaningful life. I’ve no idea why darkness is so afraid and jealous. The truth is that people who embrace darkness and hatred culture, attempting to harm others as a way of life, perform their actions in the shadows, behind the backs of their targets, and that is a hint in the direction of the reason they’re so scared and afraid of people who keep consciousness at hand. Darkness is established in a dishonoured and dishonest foundation, which implies the high probability of violating some common laws to perform its negative actions, i.e., if they get caught by doing that, they can get a considerable penalty and be in jail for a considerable amount of time. The moment we realise that, it’s the moment we understand that performing our body and mind training is the foundation of getting prepared to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings. In that way, darkness’ followers are always more afraid of a conscious mind than a conscious mind is afraid of any obnoxious presence they’ve planned or established.
Fear. It’s a negative feeling we may manifest, which is related to the uncertainty of what will happen in the future. It’s by keeping consciousness at hand, and therefore, being focused on the present moment, that we can diminish—or even eliminate—the fear associated with anything we observe or feel from our own perspective and relativity. We start opening our third eye to realise and understand the real problem of fear is that we’re not prepared for dealing with uncertainty, which implies becoming afraid of what we cannot control. Changing such a mindset is essential for ridding fear of our own perspective and relativity, and we can only do that if we keep performing our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way.
Although our body and mind training is a way of personal growth and evolution, it’s also a way of getting prepared to face the unknown. The message is clear and simple: when we perform our body and mind training we’ve no idea of what we would face or deal with; instead, we attain the clarity of mind that shows us what we can do with the strength, knowledge, and wisdom we’ve acquired until the present moment. The consequence is putting fear out of the way when facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings, and dealing with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into.
The moment we realise that keeping consciousness at hand and performing our body and mind training causes darkness to manifest a huge fear regarding our presence, it’s the moment we understand that we’ve no reason to fear darkness at all, i.e., we’re always prepared to defend life, no matter the circumstances.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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