The moment we realise and understand what we’re facing and dealing with in the present moment, which reminds us discrimination, slavery, Nazism, violations of fundamental human rights, and above all, a huge disregard for the common laws and impunity, it’s the moment we understand that being aligned with our love nature, getting prepared to be connected with the planet and the universe itself—i.e., never kneeling before darkness and its negative conditioning—is the best we can do to keep walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances. The journey may be solo yet wonderfully rich of priceless pieces of knowledge, enabling us to understand the dynamics of torture of any type. All the details of what really has happened, e.g., during the Holocaust, we would never know, and therefore, we’re still powerless of preventing the triggers and sources of such atrocity to happen again in the course of history. However, the more conscious we become, the better prepared we’re to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings and deal with minds in suffering who harm others by the simple fact of considering themselves as superior race.

We’re who we are, and that is the beauty of life in its raw state. No classification, formalisation, obligation, or the need to fit in any role and illusory standard created to characterise members of the society we’re part of. We just need to live our life with the genuine purpose of cultivating and nurturing our beautiful light, becoming totally aligned with our love nature to manifest the unlimited power we’ve deep within.

There’s no secret but clarity of mind. There’s no external foundation but the need of keeping consciousness at hand. There’s no target yet we’re able to attain higher levels of peace of mind when focused on our personal evolution. We need to become more powerful and resilient against any type of negative energy we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into, performing our body and mind training to be more kind, compassionate, and non-judgemental towards the self and others.

We may have to keep observing torture of any type with a huge disregard of the common laws and impunity. However, the moment we keep consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances, it’s the moment we attain higher levels of peace of mind while walking the path towards a meaningful life.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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