There’s no need to waste our time brainlessly searching for the reasons why something we’ve no control of is presenting unreasonable behaviours in the present moment. The way to check the answer for such a tough situation is very simple. Let’s start doing that. First, we need to start understanding our own suffering, which diminishes the possibility of being conditioned and performing brainless actions in the present moment. Second, we need to keep consciousness at hand, observing, analysing, and understanding anything we’ve contact with from our own perspective and relativity. We need to be able to have an explanation for everything, even if the explanation is unknown. If we can eliminate all possibilities our current knowledge enables us to draw with a higher level of certainty, we can start searching and researching things with more confidence, establishing a safe ground we can always rely on. Third, and most important, we need to develop our own method for recognising the presence of darkness in the surroundings. The moment we can recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings, it’s the moment we understand where we can start searching for the unknown with a good guess to find an answer that fulfils our needs and open more our third eye to what happens in the present moment, keeping consciousness at hand while walking the path towards a meaningful life.
We’re astonishing creatures capable of thinking and reasoning about anything if we keep consciousness at hand. When we’re not able to keep consciousness at hand, we usually start searching for answers through conditioned and brainless actions, which lead us towards reaching beliefs preventing us to attain a proper understanding of what happens in the present moment. What does it mean? It means that we may be easily manipulated by dishonoured, dishonest, and deceptive actions connected to a belief we’ve contact with, which has been utilised as part of a strategy/protocol promoting a negative conditioning that distances us from understanding things in a conscious and meaningful way. Understanding is the key.
The moment we establish a clear foundation based on understanding instead of believing in something blindfolded, it’s the moment we understand knowledge acquisition opens a universe of possibilities to acquire traces of evidence we need to get the true answer of something we’re looking for. Let’s remember: we also need to challenge the knowledge we’ve acquired in a conditioned way: there’s a possibility we may have been deceived in the past, which implies establishing a more unstable ground to start searching for answers. The interests of people in the surroundings can also interfere in our capability of finding a proper answer for something we’re looking for. Let’s not discard that priceless piece of knowledge.
Keeping consciousness at hand is the key to becoming the king/queen of our own mind, extending such royal influence towards anything we do, which enables us to reveal truths we could never imagine being able to reveal from our own perspective and relativity. Another important thing: we’re all royals of unique reigns that are whether recognised by the outside. When our station is recognised, it reflects directly into illusory concepts we see in society such as good reputation and titles. Let’s not give much importance to something aside from our love nature, which can be easily fabricated for deceptive purposes.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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