When we start recognising and observing the presence of darkness in the surroundings, we start understanding the deception promoted by the values linked to hatred culture is able to corrupt any established regime. Monarchy, parlamentarism, presidentialism, communist, democracy, i.e., any type of organised regime we may think of can be corrupted. When we start thinking “why?”, we understand the answer is quite simple. Every regime to be successful and work requires a solid foundation of honour, respect, and love. If people are honoured, which means they treat each other as equals no matter the hierarchies imposed by an adopted regime, everyone becomes an essential part of the whole, which means understanding how important being honoured with the self and others is. That is the idea behind the tales of the round table established by King Arthur of Camelot. Thus, the moment we realise the very deep concept of family, community, or any other organised group can only be successfully established if honour, respect, and love are the pillars sustaining it, it’s the moment we understand why dishonour corrupts any established group, implying living an illusion of united kingdom that is in fact divided by dishonour, disrespect, and hatred promoted behind the scenes. It’s by attaining such understanding that we can understand why Buddha, the enlightened one, has left the palace, leaving behind a pregnant woman and a legacy of power that he would inherit as the next king.
Dishonour and disrespect. Those are the main values observed in the promotion of hatred culture, which are extremely vivid with the presence of darkness in the surroundings. It’s dishonour and disrespect that make us step into a regressive path instead of an evolutionary one. Dishonoured people experiencing a deep period of suffering cannot understand that. Instead of developing themselves to step into their personal evolution, they choose to harm others, feeding a deep illusion of superior race that is promoted in the roots of hatred culture. No sentient being with the primary goal of harming others, focusing all their efforts for doing that, can step consciously and meaningfully in the path of personal evolution, leaving a meaningful life aligned with our love nature and connected with the universe itself.
King Arthur, Buddha, or any other person whose knowledge, wisdom, and understanding were ahead of their time knows we can only establish a solid foundation to constitute a united kingdom of ours if we all are honoured, respecting and loving each other as equals. The idea of the round table and the reign of Camelot were established on top of this premise. The three jewels of Buddhism, and the four noble truths issued by Buddha, the enlightened one, are based on this premise. There’s neither reign nor sangha without honour, respect, and love shared by all members (with no exception).
The idea and concept behind the establishment of a United Kingdom implies a reign of honoured, respectful, and love-oriented people, who know their duty of caring about life as the ultimate goal, walking the path towards a meaningful life by keeping consciousness at hand, no matter the circumstances. Dishonour has no room within the gates of such a reign, and therefore, cannot be cultivated and nurtured deep within our personal fortress.
If we’re thinking of forming a family, one important question we need to get an answer for is: Are honour, respect, and love in the foundation of such a new family being formed? If not, we would establish anything but a family.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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