When we’re in the face of an imposed challenge, we need to think carefully: Is putting in a lot of effort to deal with all negative energy before us worthy? Usually the answer is no. If it’s an imposition it means there’s no reasoning involved, which implies that the answer for dealing with such a challenge should involve spending as little energy as possible to reach almost the same result at the end. Let’s think about the metaphor of the automatic stairs. If we need to get fit, we turn it off and run over them; if we need to reach the surface fast, we turn it on and do the same as the goal is getting fit; if we’ve an injury, we get on the stairs and let the automatic flow take us to the surface. When we think carefully, we understand the strategy is almost the same, although the actions and goals we’re able to achieve depend on us and the environmental condition we need to face. Thus, we start thinking: What is the goal I need to attain today? The moment we realise that, it’s the moment we understand that being totally relaxed helps to perform our duty, whatever it is for the moment, and no matter we either have an imposed challenge to deal with.

Thinking is an intrinsic ability that helps a lot when we need to put things into our own perspective and relativity. It’s our ability to think that establishes the foundation for keeping consciousness at hand, adding reasoning to the mix for enabling us to deal with anything, anywhere, and no matter the circumstances. Whatever we’re doing, we need to think. If we don’t think, we become just puppets who’ve no idea of what we’re doing, which implies a huge probability of performing conditioning actions dictated by hatred culture.

When we exercise our capability of reasoning, what is the first thing we need to do? Congratulations, we’ve done it. Yes, if you’ve thought that we need to think, you’ve just nailed the answer :-D. 

Working smart has nothing to do with getting advantage of a giving situation, mainly using the effort of others. Working smart means exercising our intrinsic ability to think, and our astonishing capability of reasoning, which implies putting as little effort as possible to attain a goal we’re willing to attain. Such a “little” effort also requires hard work, which converts endless hours of repetitive and brainless actions into few hours of totally focused and goal-oriented steps.

If we’re intelligent, we’ve the knowledge. If we’re smart, we know how to apply knowledge when we get it at hand. Thus, when we combine both we become extraordinary, doing things the intelligence isn’t able to do, and applying knowledge to perform things that any smart-related-something isn’t able to apply. Cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within, stepping into our personal evolution, is just one example of that.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bR3rNtJ-weOC6RMN6EtAwzYNSRAx4tzV/view?usp=drivesdk

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