Confidence is fundamental for making progress and heading towards our personal evolution. It’s important we learn how to build our confidence through knowledge acquisition, paying little or no attention to negative criticism with origins on the outside. We need to develop our inquisitive mind in a way that we’re able to ask the right questions and look for answers on our own. The more confident we’re, the easier we spot opportunities both to practise and perform our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way, standing alongside the fool, and playing with the trickster without getting conditioned.

Let’s build our confidence from the ground up, establishing a solid and strong foundation we can rely on no matter the circumstances. Let’s incorporate a mindset of acquiring knowledge as much as we can, boosting our intrinsic ability of thinking, and developing our inquisitive mind to help us walk the path towards a meaningful life.

We’re enough, and that is a priceless piece of knowledge we need to be aware of in the present moment. We’re unique and astonishing creatures capable of extraordinary things. Let’s wake up and do what we do best: being who we’re meant to be.

Let’s spin the wheel of our personal evolution, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful light we’ve deep within while sharing the astonishing energy of love we’re able to disseminate from the inside out.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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